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Feldenkrais is a method of somatic education that uses gentle, often small movements to direct people's attention to their habits, and to help them learn more comfortable and effective ways of moving.
Jake graduated in 2021 from the Boston Feldenkrais Training Program. He is now a Guild-Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® in addition to his life as a musician. He works with people from all walks of life in both private one-on-one sessions and group classes to help them find ease, pain relief, freedom of movement and thought, and greater self awareness.
Jake's Feldenkrais Journey:
In my early thirties, I began to experience nerve pain in my left hand, arm, and shoulder, directly affecting my ability to play the violin. As the issue persisted, I worried that I might need to stop playing professionally. This made me sad and anxious, but also mobilized me to heal myself and to heal my relationship with the violin. I am eternally grateful to the Feldenkrais Method® for its powerful and subtle approach to movement awareness, and for its extraordinary efficacy in creating the conditions for transformational change. Thanks in large part to this work, I was able to identify and relearn habits that were causing injury to my body. I've been able to find much more ease, comfort, and expressive freedom in my violin playing. The effects of the work have not stopped there, and continue to expand into other arenas of my life. I experience far less anxiety, more mental and emotional clarity, and presence in my relationships.

Photo: Shendl Copitman
"I have known Jake Shulman-Ment for many years, first as a violinist working to overcome an injury, and then as a student in a Professional Feldenkrais Training which I supervised. His awareness and understanding of the Feldenkrais process went deep. Jake is a thoughtful and empathetic Feldenkrais Practitioner and musician. His sensitivity and his creative mind leave him open to try new approaches when the agreed upon ones don't work. If you need to alleviate pain or improve your performance, Jake can help you do that."
- Aliza Stewart
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